DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY- The Picture that can save your life !!
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What is Digital Mammography?
Mammography is a special type of low dose x ray to examine the breasts. It is used in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases and breast cancer in women.
Your Mammogram pictures will be given to you on a CD.
Why have a Mammogram?
Mammogram is done in a normal woman or if there is a complaint such as breast lump, pain or nipple discharge.
As women get older, the chance of getting breast cancer rises.
Mammograms can detect lumps when they are too small, sometimes up to two years earlier than they are seen or felt. But, when breast cancer is detected early, it can be treated very well. Early treatment and Mammograms can save your breast — and your life.
How often to do a Mammogram?
Screening mammography should be done every year for women, beginning at age 40.
How should I prepare?
Book an appointment for your mammogram.
Most women’s breasts are tender the week before their period.
So book your mammogram when your breasts are not so tender, usually after your period.
On the day when you come for your Mammogram examination, do not use deodorant, body lotions, or talcum powder under your arms or near your breasts. These products can show up as spots on the mammogram.
Bring your past mammogram films and reports with you. It is very important that the Radiologist has your old mammograms for comparison.
Inform the Radiologist of any breast symptoms.
What will happen during the mammography?
You will stand in front of the Mammography machine. A female technologist with special training in mammography will take X-ray pictures, two of each breast. Sometimes an Ultrasonography may be done after this, to get additional information.
Who interprets the results and how do I get them?
Dr. Hiral, a radiologist, (a doctor specializing in the use of x-rays, ultrasound etc ) and who is specifically trained to supervise and interpret Mammograms will analyze the images and give you a signed report.
Are mammograms safe?
Yes. Mammograms are done using small amounts of radiation. However, if there is a chance that you may be pregnant, do not do a mammogram.
If you have any further questions, you can contact Dr. Hiral on 24567166 or email her on